Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Mahara area

One of my objectives is to explore the use of Mahara to allow students to showcase and share their work with tutors and peers for peer assessment and most importantly External Verifier (EV) could view individual students' e-portfolio with a click of mouse. By using Mahara, I will be able to achieve the above.

The Higher and Advanced Diploma in IT are relatively new curriculum and structures of delivery and assessment needless to say are completely different from existing vocational National Diplomas. Due to the fact that students are not allowed to showcase their work on Mahara until the end of controlled assessment, students uses Mahara to upload and share files and documents with tutors in/ outside of class. The idea is to allow tutors to mark and track individuals' progress of the class activities or homework during the delivery period of the course.
The following shows what the students shares with me in my Multimedia class.

I find this really useful for me and I know colleagues on the team also uses Mahara to create a group for both groups of students and use it as a tracking mechanism and feedback purposes.